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Should I use arginine while pregnant?

A pregnant woman cradling her belly in her arms.

L-arginine is often a familiar and popular compound among those in the fitness industry. Used mostly as a pre-workout supplement, arginine is an amino acid precursor to nitric oxide, which helps boost circulation and blood flow. Arginine is known to manipulate hormones that metabolize fat by increasing the activity of insulin. It has been found to be very effective in weight loss because it increases strength for exercises. Arginine has also been proven to help increase muscle strength and mass in elderly people. With its wide variety of benefits, arginine can be used to treat a number of conditions. Arginine is easy to incorporate into your daily routine as well. Simply mix the arginine powder with a fruit juice of your choice and enjoy all the benefits in under an hour. If you’re unable to arginine on your own, arginine powder can offer the energy you need to move throughout your day. So, let’s discuss using arginine while pregnant.

Did you know, pregnant women, infants, and critically injured or ill people may need more arginine than they can produce on their own so taking a supplement is often their best option. Arginine is frequently referred to in the fitness industry but what we don’t hear about is its use in pregnant women. Pregnancy can sometimes cause high blood pressure and other complications, luckily, arginine is an effective solution. 

One question that is frequently asked is if arginine is safe during pregnancy. Yes, it is. Arginine has a number of health components that can benefit your health and it has been proven to aid pregnant women who suffer from pre-eclampsia. Pre-eclampsia is also known as high blood pressure and is one of the leading causes of maternal and neonatal mortality. Those who suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy can benefit from arginine due to its ability to relax the blood vessels. Arginine has also been found to improve the health and growth of the fetus in pregnant women with high blood pressure. Pre-eclampsia may have many causes, but one potential reason for the disease is the deficiency of arginine. Many pregnant women resort to natural supplements or a strict diet whole in arginine. 

For those looking for a natural supplement to receive the necessary dose of arginine, many women find it best to start taking supplements in the early stages of their pregnancy. Most evidence shows that arginine works best during the first trimester and has been shown that arginine supplements aren’t as effective during the 28th to 36th weeks of pregnancy. The dose typically ranges from 3 to 4 grams daily for up to 12 weeks, or until delivery under a doctor’s supervision. Like we stated previously, arginine is often used for pre-eclampsia but arginine has also shown that it’s associated with a lower risk of preterm birth. In addition, existing studies of arginine supplementation in pregnancy have been proven to improve maternal and fetal health and improve birth outcomes including higher birth weight. Want to continue your arginine journey post-pregnancy? It’s completely safe to start taking arginine directly after birth and is recommended if you plan on exercising to maximize your energy levels. 

Are you wondering if arginine is right for you during pregnancy? With all the benefits of arginine, it might be beneficial to add to your daily routine, especially during pregnancy. Consult a doctor and ask if arginine is right for you. Visit Natural Arginine to view our 100% natural formula and arginine packages. Try Natural Arginine today and feel the difference! Learn about l-arginine safety.